
Dec 30, 2010

Are you just getting old ?

 Even though the mercury’s only dropped slightly, are you always in the middle of a Siberian deep freeze? Older folks do run colder due to slowed circulation and lower metabolic rates, but people of all ages gripe about being chilly. “Most of the time when people complain about feeling cold we don’t find a reason. There’s probably something going on in their temperature regulation center,” says Dr. Diane Krieger, head of the diabetes care center at South Miami Hospital. Since temperature regulation takes place in the brain’s hypothalamus, which is affected by hormones, everything from PMS to pregnancy can rejigger your thermostat.

It could be: A thyroid problem or anemia. The thyroid influences how swiftly you produce and use energy. If it’s not working correctly, the body slows and can feel sluggish and wintry. If you feel frosty all the time, ask your doc for blood work. And if the blood work turns up normal, then Lrieger advises to dress in layers and kick up the heat.


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